Small but impactful to happiness
Happiness is a journey, not a destination. It happens when we don’t force it, and is not effortless to achieve. But it’s the little things we can do in our daily lives that can contribute to happiness.
We’ve rounded up ten small but impactful tips below:
- Drink more water. Dehydration can cause all kinds of problems in the body including low energy and a bad mood. So drink up!
- Take a multivitamin and probiotic. When your body and digestive system is equipped with all the right ingredients you have more energy, and your body produces feel good hormones.
- End your shower with cold water, we promise you you’ll feel invigorated.
- Sniff some lemons in the morning, citrus fruits are known to put you in a cheery mood.
- Make a to do list. By making a list, you will feel more in control and satisfied when you set goals and get them done.
- Moisturise your body and face, not only will you be more relaxed in your skin but it feels good to moisturize, give your skin some love and watch your confidence levels rise!
- Ditch the social media scrolling for a while, studies have shown that people who spend a lot of time on social media applications are less happy. This makes sense as impossible standards of beauty and comparisons in lifestyles and careers can be depressing. Don’t compare yourself to others. Limit your time on social media, not everything is at it seems!
- Get some sun! Vitamin D deficiencies can lead to low energy and depression. So when the sun comes out sun bathe for 10 to fifteen minutes. Just make sure to avoid the noon sun and apply your sun screen.
- Exercise! Research has shown that regular exercise not only keeps you in shape, contributes to positive self esteem, but also releases endorphins in the body which are happy hormones.
- And last but not least, start your day with a smile and cheesy as this may sound tell yourself how great you are in the mirror and then head out the door!